Ultimate Axiom, as a motorcycle rider myself, I have to agree with you. I have all but stopped riding here in the U.S. as people insist on texting while driving. I see it almost every time I'm out driving. Even tractor trailer operators, professional drivers, are texting while driving. It's insane. Like something out of a Stephen King novel, you look around and everyone around you is zombie like, heads down, looking at their damn phone. And pedestrians, dont even get me started. Bastards actually slow down when they get into a crosswalk, if they even use a crosswalk. And then there's the lovely BLM folks who have decided that they can just randomly stage protests, forming human lines, blocking main streets and highways, and the police just sit idly by, observing, afraid to arrest these fools...
I have one of these on my truck, and it makes for great fun, eases the tension, and wakes fools up in a hurry!